FFP Portfolio
So something I'd like to bring to attention is people who don't know how to ride the bus. Let me start this out with a story. Once upon a time a girl named Laurel was riding the bus, she was just sitting there minding her own business and someone decided they wanted to lean on her arm and push her. Now this bus was pretty crowded so she brushed it off, but this girl insisted on leaning her full weight on Laurel everytime the bus stopped, hitting her in the face with her backpack. At one point the made a harsh stop and she practiacally fell onto Laurel. "Oh my god, I'm falling all over this girl. Sorry." she laughed to her friends. Laurel wasn't really in a good mood and wasn't going to lie and say Oh yeah, it's okay! Because it wasn't. She was wearing one head phone so she assumed if she just ignored the girl then she wouldn't bother her anymore. Nope. "What the f**k is wrong with this girl! I apologized and she's giving me a dirty look!" Laurel hadn't even looked at her, let alone given her a dirty look. The girl continued to talk about Laurel while she was beside her. "Excuse me," Laurel said, "you know I'm sitting right here?!" This time the girl gave Laurel a dirty glare! The End.
Now let's talk about this. Why do people insist on treating other people like they don't matter? Yes this story is about me and it is absolutely true! People need to be more aware of everyone around them. You can't go through life being oblivious to everyone else, and you definately need to not be rude to strangers. For all you know, they could be a murderer one insult away from snapping...
Okay, so for my first actual blog post I want to talk about something real. What's your thoughts about abortion? Do you think abortions should be illegal? Personally I think they should be the choice of the mother. I'm not just saying that because I'm a girl, or maybe that's exactly why I'm saying it. I believe that abortions should be a choice because you don't know why she's having the abortion. She could have been raped and doesn't want a constant reminder of that horrible thing that happened to her, or maybe she wants to keep the child because she doesn't want too punish them just because of how awful their father is. Or maybe she's addicted to drugs and it'd be better for her not to try and bring the baby to term because that's putting the child at risk for the rest of their lives. Maybe she's just not ready and adoption isn't an option for her. Or maybe she has serious health diffuculties and trying to bring a baby to term could kill both her and the child. My point is, who's to tell a woman she isn't allowed to terminate her pregnancy! It's her pregnancy. Whatever reason she has for not having the child is her choice, and no one has the right to take that away from her. I know that people could argue that it's "hurting the child", but it's not. You can only have an abortion before a certain amount of time, before they develop enough to even have thoughts, let alone feel. So again, what are your thoughts? I'd love to know and maybe discuss.
Did a test to see where I am on a political spectrum. Tadaa. The site told me my views are close to Ghandi and the Dalai Lama!

Laurel Austin