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I'd like to start this post off by saying a very Happy Mother's Day to all those awesome moms out there!
My mom's awesome and I'm not going to pretend like I don't love her. It's hard to explain why my mom is so awesome, and obviously I fight with her sometimes, but what kind of teenage daughter would I be if I didn't?
Like I said before, it's hard to explain all the reasons why my mom is so awesome, but one of the reasons why she's the best is because she's such a great role model. She never gave up on her dream. And by "never gave up", I mean never gave up! She literally just finished going back through university to become a midwife, something I remember her wanting to be since.... well, as far back as I can remember. She also just got a position at Cambridge Midwives, and that's pretty awesome if you ask me.
My mom has proved to me that no matter how long it takes, your dreams can be achieved. This sounds so cliche, but it's true! I've witnessed first hand someone who knew what they wanted and refused to give up on it. And guess what? It paid off, big time!
Next time I'm in a fight with my mom (I'm almost 16, of course there will be a next fight!) I'll never tell her she's a bad mom, because she isn't!
My mom is awesome and I love her.
Naomi Ram
5/13/2013 03:04:14 am

Awe Laurel, you made this blog very heart warming, we should all appreciate our mothers every day of our lives!


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Laurel Austin