FFP Portfolio
Generally I'm the kind of person that won't ever speak up if something is bothering me, but that doesn't mean nothing bothers me. Actually, a lot of things bother me. So I've decided to make a list of some of the things that bother me the most.

1. People who continue to do something after I've asked them to stop. Honestly, it's not funny it's annoying.
2. Being ignored.
3. PDA on the bus or in the hallways.
4. People who chew gum like cows.
5. When people retweet fake celebrity accounts on twitter. They're not real and retweeting them won't get you a follow from the real account!
6. When the TV guide says something awesome is going to be on but then it isn't... DON'T LIE TO ME!
7. Being really excited to eat something you left in the fridge only to find out someone else ate it.
8. People who sing along to musicals louder than the actual characters.
9. YOLO.
10. Movies with extremely loud music and quiet dialogue.
11. Loud chewing.
12. People who listen to weird music, out loud, in public.
13. When my earphones get tangled after being in my pockets for not even 5 minutes.
14. People who have no regard for everyone else in movie theaters. (ie. talking on their phone, talking very loud to the people they're with, laughing/screaming/crying way louder than necessary)
15. Slow walkers in crowded places.
16. The duck face.
5/5/2013 10:48:06 pm

I agree with most of the things on your list. Great Work!


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Laurel Austin